Thats not music..!! its just noise..

Place: You are on a bus going to work
Time: 8.15am
Characters: You and a teenager
Situation: You are on a crowded bus on the way to work. You have to stand because
the bus is full. A teenager starts playing loud rap music from the speaker on
their mobile phone, to impress their cool friends. Some people on the bus find
this annoying
Scenes: i) You ask the teenager to turn the music down or off. They refuse
ii) You ask the bus driver to talk to the teenager about the music and how it is
disturbing you and the other paying passengers. The driver is afraid of the
teenagers and says that he can’t hear the music
iii) You take matters into your own hands and confront the teenager again.
You take the phone and the teenager gets very angry
If there are three people in the group the third character could be:
a) The bus driver
b) One of the teenager’s cool friends
c) An off-duty bouncer from a local nightclub who gets involved

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